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Re-framing Self-Care

As a mom, you’re probably no stranger to the idea of putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own. From nap schedules and planning playdates to managing work and the endless household tasks, the list is never-ending. It’s easy to feel like there’s no time left for you. In fact, you might even feel guilty for wanting to carve out some moments for yourself. But here’s the truth: self-care isn’t selfish. It’s essential.

1. You Can’t Shouldn’t Pour from an Empty Cup

We’ve all heard this phrase, but it’s a powerful reminder. Moms are often the glue that holds everything together, but if you’re running on fumes, how can you continue to give? By prioritizing your well-being, you’re not only recharging your own battery, but you’re also setting yourself up to being a better version of yourself around your family. 

Imagine it this way: would you want your child to go without sleep, food, or downtime? Of course not! So why should you? Your family benefits when you’re healthy, energized, and mentally clear.

2. Self-Care Sets a Powerful Example for Your Kids

Taking time for yourself shows your children the importance of balancing responsibility with personal well-being. Kids often model their behavior after what they see, and by embracing self-care, you’re teaching them a valuable life lesson. You’re showing them that taking care of their physical, emotional, and mental health is just as important as their other obligations.

This practice plants the seeds of self-love and resilience in your kids, ensuring they grow up understanding that rest is equally as important as hard work.

3. It Helps You Stay Present

Let’s be real, burnout doesn’t just make you tired. It makes you irritable, overwhelmed, and mentally checked out. When your stress levels spike, it’s hard to be truly present with your family. This is typically when I find myself snapping at my kids or spouse, and I am not super fun to be around. Self-care practices like meditation, exercise, journaling, or even a quiet cup of coffee/tea help you manage stress, clear your mind, and re-center yourself.

By allowing yourself moments of calm, you become more grounded and present when you’re with your loved ones. You’ll find yourself more patient and less reactive because you’ve taken the time to care for your needs.

4. Mental Health Matters

There’s still stigma around mental health, but let’s face it—motherhood is hard. Balancing all the demands can easily take a toll on your mental well-being. Ignoring your needs doesn’t just lead to burnout, but it can contribute to anxiety, depression, and feelings of resentment. In my case, all of the above!

Self-care is a proactive way to check in with yourself and make sure you’re doing okay mentally and emotionally. Whether it’s a simple walk in the park or a dedicated therapy session, tending to your mental health is crucial for long-term happiness.

5. You Deserve It—Period.

Many moms feel guilty for taking time for themselves, but here’s the deal: you are worthy of rest, joy, and care just because you exist. You don’t have to “earn” self-care. You don’t need to justify why you deserve a break. Your well-being is just as important as everyone else’s in your family. Taking time to nurture yourself isn’t just an act of self-love—it’s an act of self-respect.

How to Start Prioritizing Self-Care

If you’re still feeling unsure about making self-care part of your routine, here are a few simple steps to get started:

  • Schedule it in: Treat self-care like an appointment. Whether it’s a workout, reading a book, or enjoying a hobby, make it non-negotiable.
  • Start small: You don’t need a full spa day (though that’s great too!). Start with small, daily acts of self-care—like 10 minutes of quiet reflection or stretching.
  • Communicate with your family: Let your partner and kids know why self-care is important to you. Encourage them to support your time to recharge, and you might just inspire them to do the same.
  • Let go of guilt: Understand that taking time for yourself is not selfish. It’s a necessary part of being a fulfilled, happy individual.

You Don’t Need to Justify Why You Deserve a Break.

Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s survival. It’s about filling your own cup so you can pour into others without feeling drained or resentful. It’s about leading by example, showing your kids the importance of self-love and mental health, and ensuring that you stay connected to yourself, your passions, and your purpose.

Moms, you deserve care, rest, and restoration. So please let go of the guilt, embrace self-care, and watch how it transforms not just your life, but the lives of those you love the most.

Take care,

The Balanced Mom

Looking to find self-care habits that work for you and that you can easily stick too on the busiest day?

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